People have been enjoying the hilarious editor’s comments on awful person Milo Yiannopoulos’s book manuscript. Comments like, “This is definitely not the place for more of your narcissism,” “tiresome and off the point,” and “DELETE UGH.”

But the truth is that any mediocre writer trying to fake their way into a big book advance could end up with these kinds of comments, and we are no exception. In the interest of transparency, here are just a few of the comments our long-suffering editor made to the manuscript of our upcoming book, Hottest Heads of State: Volume One, the American Presidents.

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Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx

Microsoft Word - 1.docx