Hottest Heads of State

A scientific and unbiased ranking of world leaders in order of hotness.

A Profile of David Cameron

In keeping with today’s theme, throughout this post I will be using the traditional British spellings of wourds. (I am also driving on the left-hand side of the road while I type, but that is just a coincidence.)

David Cameron

DFID – UK Department for International Development

Like many Americans, I can’t decide whether or not I think British Prime Minister David Cameron is hot.

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The Presidents of the United States: When They Were Young and Hunky

Young Theodore Roosevelt

Not a lot of people realize how attractive (almost) all of the U.S. presidents were when they were young. And I, for one, am tired of people not realizing this.

So for the sake of your history education, I submit to you photos of the U.S. presidents when they were young and hunky.

They are not ranked in order of hotness, because I couldn’t find a picture of every president in the same age range, and in a couple of cases I couldn’t find a youthful photo or portrait at all. In those instances I just substituted a a picture of Tommy Lee Jones or whoever. Enjoy!

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Justin Trudeau Fan Fiction, Ch. 6

Fan Fiction

Justin Trudeau Fan Fiction, Ch. 5

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