Hottest Heads of State

A scientific and unbiased ranking of world leaders in order of hotness.

Vladimir Putin Fan Fiction, Ch. 1

Putin around the office

Chapter 1: Meetin’ Putin

It has been three long months since you landed a job in the mailroom at the Kremlin (thanks!), but something about it still makes you feel nervous and on edge.

Maybe it’s because you’re spending so many hours alone in the cavernous basement mailroom, sorting through stacks of mail as high as St. Basil’s Cathedral. (Well, like a 2-foot-tall replica of St. Basil’s Cathedral.)

Maybe it’s because you’re not always sure what’s going on, because you don’t speak any Russian.

Or maybe it’s because your breath gets caught in your throat like a prisoner in Siberia every time you catch a glimpse of your boss—Vladimir Putin.

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A Profile of Alex Tsipras

Alexis Tsipras

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is the best thing to happen to Greece since the disgusting Greek yogurt fad. Not only is he handsome, he is also in favor of spending money with reckless abandon. So basically he has everything that I want in a man, except for a candy bar that he brought me as a surprise. And for all I know, maybe he has that too! Someone should check his pockets.

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A Profile of Taavi Rõivas

Taavi Rõivas

Kaupo Kikkas

It’s not every day you come across a 35-year-old head of government, which—let’s face it—is probably a good thing for everyone involved. The last thing we need is a bunch of Millennial prime ministers posting selfies to Facebook while driving, or constantly complaining about their student loan debt.

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Head-of-State Halloween Costumes

Still scrambling to come up with a Halloween costume that’s smart, sexy, and completely unrecognizable? Why not dress as a head of state! If nothing else, you’ll finally get to wear that suit you bought for job interviews.

But with over two hundred heads of state to choose from, how do you narrow it down to just one? Luckily for you, JD and I have nothing to do, so we’ve compiled this list of 12 Heads of State Who Would Make Great Halloween Costumes.

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Bashar al-Assad

President of Syria

NOTE: We wrote this before things in Syria had descended to today’s utterly horrifying levels. There is unfortunately a lot of suffering in the world. But what these folks are enduring, and/or escaping, and/or enduring while they escape is shocking even in a world full of shockingly awful things.

We are not experts on international aid organizations, but below are a few we know are helping. We encourage you to consider supporting their efforts, as we do, and doing anything else you might be in a position to do. In the city we call home (St. Louis) we’re telling our elected officials that we support bringing refugees here, and again, if you’re in a position to do something similar we encourage you to consider it.

International Rescue Committee
Medicins Sans Frontiers

Choose Your Own Adventure


Do not read this straight through from beginning to end. These web pages contain many different adventures you may have as Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. From time to time as you read along, you will be asked to make a choice. Your choice may lead to success or disaster!

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The Hottest Signers of the Declaration of Independence

Signing of the Declaration of Independence

US Capitol

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six brave patriots gathered together in the boring city of Philadelphia to sign a document that later came to be known as the Declaration of Independence.* Now, 238 years later, some equally brave patriots (me and J.D.) are commemorating the occasion by ranking those signers in order of hotness.

Like our Founding Fathers before us, we also have a long list of grievances against the British government, but we will save that for another day.

Here is the list.

*Actually, they just approved the final wording on July 4. Historians believe there never was an official signing ceremony, and instead Thomas Jefferson just forged everyone’s signatures.

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Fan Fiction

Justin Trudeau Fan Fiction, Ch. 6

Fan Fiction

Justin Trudeau Fan Fiction, Ch. 5

Special Report

Who Will Win the Candle Primary?